

Providing utility companies with cost efficiencies, competitive differentiation and the ability to capitalize on new and growing opportunities

A Customer First Utility Solution

Not All Kilowatts or Customers Are the Same

What are the three key questions that every utility company must be able to answer with a resounding ‘yes’ for their Commercial and Industrial (C&I) customers?

  • Are you able to provide these customers visibility into consumption?
  • Is that visibility available across their business to modify behavior?
  • Do you provide accurate and timely insight and streamlined reporting?

Any other response leaves your C&I customers unable to manage their energy usage targets. Concerned you may be keeping your customers in the dark? We can help.

utility billing solutions

Kansys’ Utility Monetization Solution Delivers Powerful Capabilities to Support Smart Energy Adoption

Energy is scarce and not always readily available where and when it is needed. Businesses, governments, and citizens need to work together to manage the distribution and consumption of energy.

New generation billing solutions need to provide public and private utilities with cost efficiencies, competitive differentiation, and enable them to take advantage of emerging business opportunities from grid optimization to distributed energy resources. Our Customer-First Utility monetization solution delivers powerful capabilities to support smart energy adoption.

utility billing services

By utilizing the industry’s only utilities Behavioral Billing and Settlement solution, businesses can:

  • Improve digital customer engagement
  • Report on real-time energy use and spending across the organization
  • Quickly develop new commercial offerings for differentiation
  • Deliver billing accuracy and efficient customer self-care
  • React to dynamic variations in supply cost
  • Increase collection rates and reduce fraud
  • Future proof business models
  • Support regulatory requirements
  • Easily integrate to legacy systems
  • Deliver billing accuracy and efficient customer self-care
  • React to dynamic variations in supply cost
  • Increase collection rates and reduce fraud
  • Future proof business models
  • Support regulatory requirements
  • Time-based tariffs (TOU, off peak/on peak, etc.)
  • Dynamic tariffs (frequent changes, react to price signals)
  • Bonuses/rebates (rewards for maintaining a desired behavior)
  • Credits and other benefits (for taking a desired action)
  • Prepayment options















Anticipating the Needs of a Dynamic Market

The energy supply market is changing quickly, with ambitious plans in many countries to roll out “smart” meters to households, apply more frequent tariff changes, and consumers and even suppliers are being given sophisticated ways to control the use of energy in the home. But not all the details about how the “smart grid” will operate are certain.

Changes are coming that will make the energy sector more complex. Around the world, electricity grids are gearing up for new ways of metering and billing, and controlling energy consumption.

Additionally, companies that manufacture meters will have to interface with new types of customers – for instance, retailers and other types of players that might enter the energy market. There is also likely to be a change to the industry oversight regime as smart metering is introduced, with a greater requirement to produce an audit trail because customers are likely to change suppliers much more frequently.

Crucial to this is having a billing system capable of creating personalized customer strategies, driving customer loyalty, enhancing customer satisfaction, improving revenue assurance, and introducing new revenue opportunities by up-selling and cross-selling products and services.

utility billing
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