Information Technology


Kansys integrates front office processes from selling to billing, revenue recognition and accounts receivables. Changes and enhancements are done though configuration,
providing lower impact on critical development staff.

The Configure, Don't Code! Approach

Today’s IT executives need options and flexibility as they try to address the demands from departments and users across their company. Should they go cloud or stay on-prem? Do they go with best of breed or as much functionality within one vendor stack?

When a company recognizes a best of breed approach is needed to address the monetization requirements, the Kansys Edge provides material advantages over the options identified above:

  • On Premise or In the Cloud option
  • RESTFUL and/or SOAP API’s
  • The ability to keep existing data source and destination formats for any system/applications where integration with the Kansys Edge is needed.

The architecture allows the IT exec to plug The Kansys Edge into his or her existing IT Stack & Applications. This allows integrations with existing applications.

  • Lower Application development costs given that the architecture of the Kansys Edge evolves via configuration versus coding.
  • There is always some level of coding in any enterprise application, but because of the Kansys metadata architecture, we’re able to reduce the level of coding vs configuration by a factor of 4:1.
  • Great business and functional alignment as Kansys Edge Power Users are able to configure new products versus coding new offerings.

Integrating Front Office Processes

There is always some level of coding in any enterprise application, but because of the Kansys metadata architecture, we’re able to reduce the level of coding vs configuration by a factor of 4:1.

As a side benefit, because there is more configuration vs coding, you need less application development expertise which comes with a higher cost, and customers are able to shift application alignment to the business analyst responsible for supporting the billing function.

Take a pro-active role in meeting business needs with the most flexible billing solutions available. Implement pricing plans and changes in the shortest possible time-frames without losing control of testing, production implementation and roll back functionality.

Choose any level of support services from real application experts to suit your business and budget goals.

For Today's Chief Information Officer

As a CIO, you know that addressing the technology needs of your organization is no longer enough. Bridging the divide across cross-functional teams that include marketing, product, sales, and finance teams with leading-edge technology and efficient processes to drive sales is the new norm.

You do not want to get in the way of rolling out new products and services and supporting new partnering opportunities that translate to revenue. With Kansys as your billing and settlement partner, we can help get you there by supporting your needs now and future-proofing your company’s growth potential. Kansys’ proven enterprise billing experience means you can focus on supporting the needs of the business:

Consolidation of various disparate systems for pricing, configuration and contracts to one powerful platform

Providing fast and responsive responses to sales and product teams with an extensible and proven enterprise platform that does not get in the way of sales

Delivering a comprehensive platform that supports front and back office operations for tailored customer and partner experiences

Supporting a cross-functional quote-to-cash (Q2C) solution that addresses the needs of the business for common sources of data, reduced sales administration, improved invoicing, and simplification of data capture

Providing agility in adapting to new business models envisioned by product teams

Integrate front office processes from selling to billing, revenue recognition and accounts receivables

Kansys’ empowerment model and ‘Configure, Don’t Code’ means that your team can flexibly support new products and services easily and at scale

Supporting Big Data Initiatives

Translating big data into relevant operational information can provide a competitive advantage to a business
by helping marketing and product teams create the right offers to meet customer needs; however, it’s easier said than done.

The IT team is regularly asked to provide information often located in disparate systems. Data can be found in logs or the database or various systems, making it difficult to access. ERP applications only provide coarse transaction data that supports limited analysis.

The billing system provides the single source of truth about the state of the financial relationship with your customers and partners—regardless of whether the data is being viewed by a CRM system or the billing system itself.

Our platforms provide you with the data on subscriptions and usage events and relevant customer and partner information. Armed with information, not data, marketing now understands customer and service usage patterns and is able to draw actionable data-driven insights. Did we mention it’s in real-time? That too.

Consolidating Multiple
Billing Systems

If your IT team is supporting multiple billing systems in a manual or semi-automated environment, Kansys can help.   Here’s how it happens. An organization initially develops its own billing system. Then it adds new lines of business or divisions and purchases a billing system to support the new requirements. It seeks growth through acquisition and additional billing systems are acquired. The IT team is now supporting multiple billing systems in a manual or semi-automated environment and does not see a way out. Kansys has helped countless customers like Concur consolidate multiple billing systems and we can help you too.   A single billing platform can replace several existing billing systems, if the chosen platform is capable of meeting the organizations billing requirements and integrates with other platforms. The Kansys Edge is built on a meta-data driven architecture that enables customers to quickly configure data models, transaction-processing models, pricing schemes, GUIs and APIs resulting in a platform that fits your business model. By design, our integration capabilities provide dynamically generated APIs to match external formats.
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