Edge Care
Customer Care and Account Management for Customer Service Representatives
In today’s fast-moving, highly competitive environment, meeting dynamic customer needs is paramount. As services are developed, deployed, and upgraded at record speed, market leaders must ensure that every customer experience is exceptional.
Edge Care is Kansys’ online customer care solution that helps you provide excellent customer service and increase customer satisfaction while reducing costs and streamlining operations.
Complete Customer Management Support
EdgeCare provides your organization with the needed tools to manage customer inquiries quickly and easily. Using just a web browser, customer care representatives can manage every aspect of the customer integration, including access to interactive online reporting and invoicing information through EdgeView, complete account data and corporate hierarchy relationships along with time zone and language preferences.
Automated email is seamless and can be used to send welcome letters, credit card expiration notices and any other notification to customers and internal audiences.
Finally, at your discression, all EdgeCare capabilities can be made available to customers for self-care using a robust permissions management capability.

Features Include:

Drag and drop corporate hierarchy management

Subscribe and unsubscribe to product offerings

Update contact/address information

Update payment information including payment methods and payment relationships

Change passwords

Change time zones