Revenue Usage Assurance
We work with systems already in place or can provide necessary tools or systems
Revenue Assurance and Usage Integrity work requires a combination of tools / technology and most importantly, subject matter experts who understand how to aggregate all the variables associated with a carrier’s voice and data traffic.
Kansys provides a multiple option, usage integrity offering that lets a Carrier choose a level of services and tools that can act as an extension of the RA function or provide the function.
Our offering provides the carrier with the option of working with their existing systems or Kansys can supplement with tools and the system.

Professional Services
Verification Checklist
Error / Drop Reporting with Resolution & Estimated Recovery
Regulatory Reporting
Vendor Cost Recovery / Margin Analysis
Actuals Against Contracts
Billing to General Ledger Monitoring with Identification & Resolution of Issues
Billing to General Ledger Comparison
Preparation of Executive Level Reporting & Presentations
Optional Tools / Functions
- End-to-End Usage Integrity Tools
- File management / logging
- Detailed network / vendor usage structure and content analysis
- Usage source to bill integrity
- Usage error / drop file analysis
- Existing report verification
- Vendor margin analysis
- General ledger verification
- Carrier Services & Billing
- Verification of carrier billing (tariffs, contracts)
- Automation of carrier billing
- Interconnection agreement analysis
- Contract analysis
- Error monitoring & correction
- Dispute research & resolution
- Mediation Services
Mediation as a Service with TBD frequency,
ongoing storage requirements, Billing feeds, etc. - Verification of interpretation for billing
- Monitoring & reporting
- Usage Storage Warehouse
- Legal Subpoena / CALEA Service
- International Fraud Alert & Analysis
- Retail Services & Billing
- Verification of retail billing (rates, tariffs, contracts)
- Identification of revenue opportunities
- Development & implementation of long distance rate changes
- Error monitoring & correction
Additional Service Offerings
Legacy System Decomposition
Revenue Assurance Advisory Services
- Verification of revenue assurance tools / solutions
- Forensic research into suspected / known "hot spots"
- Coaching existing revenue assurance teams
System Conversion Support