On the fence about upgrading your billing capabilities?
We offer a low cost, no risk option where we’ll create an evaluation utilizing your own data in a mock system.
With our 20+ years in the industry, Kansys has streamlined the entire billing conversion process.
Your billing system is the central nervous system of your business. A quality billing system should decrease your time to market with new products and services, rapidly implement periodic rate increases and reduce operational expenses while increasing operational efficiency.
Top considerations for a successful billing conversion
Use Agile / Iterative Approach to Conversion
Define Acceptable Margin of Error on First / Second / etc. Conversion Cuts
Determine Data Mapping Strategy
Evaluate Current / Desired Product Catalog
Evaluate Current / Desired Interfaces
Document Current / Desired Processes and Workflows
Avoid Generic Training. Provide Just in Time System Training
Determine Environment Architecture and Future Performance Targets
Review / Confirm Existing Contracts to Align With New Environment
Expect User Push Back
Our Approach in Four Weeks
Identify MACHversion Customer Segment & Account Data
Conduct 1/2 Day Workshop
Solution Scope & Design
Build / Test Protype with Client Data
Provide Project Plan & Estimated Cost / Timeline to Convert Billing System