Event Visibility Platform
Give your enterprise a doorway into your customers BSS/OSS data to provide actionable insights to make better data-informed decisions.

Gather Insights Into Everything Your Customers Are Doing
EVP or (Event Visibility Platform) is a cost effective, flexible integrated platform designed for the communications industry to help network carriers validate, aggregate and corollate large volumes of data coming from multiple sources. This allows us to improve visibility into the events going on in your network and the decision-making capabilities for you as an enterprise. At the same time, we are able to reduce operating costs and have an opportunity for application consolidation.
EVP is a secure web-based portal that provides targeted, integrated and customized views of your data in a high-scale massive processing environment. It is configured with alarms, alerts, trending information so that your staff can react when anomalies occur within the data.
But EVP is not just a data analytics solution – it has also been designed to provide revenue assurance and industry application functionality with content, voice and data events generated by your customers.
Some common events include:
- Tracking a purchased plan
- Viewing purchased top ups
- Performing a plan adjustment
- Tracking call, SMS or other data records
….and many more.

It is through EVP, we have created thousands of customized reports over dozens of customers, applications, and databases to provide them with the insight needed to make actionable decisions. Additionally, EVP also acts as our GUI front end for several of Kansys’ applications including Mediation, Collections, the Kansys Edge and the Kansys Edge+.
Here’s a comprehensive list of benefits you’ll receive from this specialized service:
- Event Visibility
- Event Assurance
- Application consolidation and cost reduction
- Incremental Media Sales Revenue
- No longer captive to data collection, preparation, and staging
- Service Bureau – No Capex /Opex
- Access to Expertise