The measure of a good collections system requires increased collector efficiency, total cost of ownership, ease of use and flexibility to adapt to future business processes

Streamlined Revenue Collections
and Recovery for Your Business
The Kansys Collections Module enables clients to configure multiple debt recovery strategies and monitor the progress of outstanding debt from within the Event Visibility Platform framework. Recovery strategies will consist of an intelligent sequence of automated and manual tasks that are managed by a workflow engine to ensure the tasks are created and delivered in a timely manner.
Collections reports and alias authority allow managers to monitor collector worklists and communicate recovery progress internally and to other departments. The Kansys Collections Module allows collectors to interact with customers to deliver friendly reminders or establish payment arrangements while the Collections engine performs the heavy-lifting functions of sending letters, suspending service, and initiating write-off procedures.

Features and Functions

Extensive Workflow Scenarios:
The heart of any collection system is in its ability to direct and affect diverse collection activities. The Work Flow is a key component in the Kansys Collections system as it allows you to define specific tasks to be completed in your collections approach. A different Work Flow may be defined for any definitive customer designation such as state, customer type, industry affiliation, or business volumes. A set of rules may be defined for each different Work Flow which specify when letters should be sent, calls should be made, or write-offs are to be recorded. So, whether it is a manual task, such as calling a customer, or an automated one, the system is capable of administering your existing and future collection practices.

Web/ SOA Interface:
The system can be run as a hosted service by Kansys or installed in your office. Either way, all actions are handled via an easy-to-navigate web access solution.

Fully Configurable Entrance and Exit Criteria:
Two of the most important aspects of collections are when to submit an account to the collection department, and what set of tasks need to be performed on that account. Given the flexible rules and processes that govern the entrance of an account to the system (and all subsequent actions taken), you have the ability to shape the collection system around your business practices.

Full Featured Reporting:
Using our integrated Reporting engine, a suite of reports provides you with valuable information to monitor account and collector progress. The reports can be delivered via e-mail in a spreadsheet format so that data can be easily re-sorted or combined with other data sources for a more complete view of the system. Additionally, daily and monthly statistics are provided online so that collectors can easily review their progress. This is especially useful for reaching assigned activity targets and collections quotas.

Full Integration:
The design of the collection system enables it to tightly integrate with your existing systems. So if your collection scenarios require that additional actions are to be performed in one of those systems, the collection system can automatically perform that action, freeing up valuable time for your collectors.

Letter Configuration:
Kansys Collections provides convenient letter configuration through the integrated reporting engine. Create your own letter templates with variable data points and the Collections system will generate the letters according to your specified Work Flow rules. You may also have a third-party print vendor handle all of your printing and mailing functions. The Collections system will provide letter data files and transmit them to the vendor of your choice.

Third Party Vendor Interface:
If your collection practices involve the use of third-party collection agencies, credit reporting entities, law firms, or other internal groups, the Kansys system can be easily linked to them to avoid unnecessary manual intervention.